Home \ Water Softener Family \ Galaxy vdr 17100

Galaxy vdr 17100

Condensing boilers, solar panels, thermal insulation have long been used.is not acceptable to spend much to get high-performance products and make buying useless to blame for fouling. Protect the heating circuit and hot water means keeping long efficiency and performance of the system.

All Galaxy models are equipped with safety valve inside the salt container.
This system prevents the release of salt water in case of abnormal internal or external to the system.

All systems are equipped with a bypass unit with a incorporated mixer tap that allows to steady the output hardness to the desired value and exclude the softener from the water supply with a simple operation.

This system, required for use on potable water softener (DPR 443/90, 21/12/1990) makes disinfecting resins each regeneration. The production of chlorine happen by electrolysis directly from the salt is therefore not necessary add chlorine or application of other disinfection systems.

Galaxy softeners use the variable system reserve and proportional regeneration to optimize the number of washes. The computer continually adjusts the number of regenerations and the "level regeneration (ratio of using salt / performance) to consume up to 50% less salt and water wash compared to the best water softeners on the market.

Softeners Galaxy, Installed correctly ,are ready to use. For starting you don’t need the intervention of technicians; Just follow a few instructions attached to the system and the unit is in operation (Easy Technology).